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AskYourPDF & Read Any PDF | Tutorial
  1. 1.如果你手头上有PDF文件,你可以手动上传到AskYourPDFwebsite:https://askyourpdf.com/upload
  1. 上传完成后,记得把生成的doc_id复制下来,然后粘贴回到聊天框,以便进行进一步的交互。
  1. 另外,如果PDF文件是存放在网站上,你可以提供直接指向PDF文件的URL。这个URL应该以".pdf"结尾。这里推荐用dropbox
  1. 使用该plugin, 先输入调取命令
例如:askyourpdf.perform_query_query_post doc_id: bf7fa809-794f-47fd-a10d-0b59d5bbf794,
Noteable-plugin- analyze csv.file
I am a data analyst working with a bank and I am creating a customer churn report. The purpose is to identify what customers are at high risk of churn, and what can be done to prevent them from churning.
I have created a Noteable workspace which contains the CSV file. The name of the CSV file is Bank Customer Churn Prediction.csv.
I want you to create a complete churn report on the provided dataset.
扮演一名广东省银行的贷后风控分析人员,对银行贷款数据进行分析,该数据为bank-money.csv, 要求分别对文件中不同的部分进行尽可能多的深入分析。这是一个比较大的过程,所以每次回答到你的最大限度后,我会点击继续:
1、法人机构合同明细表,以法人机构为维度分析合同数、结清合同数、再贷合同数、放款金额、已还本金、在贷余额,分析各机构的贷款运营情况。列出数据明细表及图形表。 2、合同期数明细表,分析不同合同期数的贷款质量情况。 3、额度调整明细表,分析原授信额度和新建议额度的整体情况,指出存在问题和建议方案 4、规则预警明细表,以月份为维度,列举不同规则名称的命中情况,并列举十条长频繁命中的规则名称。并指出存在问题和建议方案。 5、模型监控明细表,分析模型PSI。以及指出存在问题和建议。 6、模型监控,描述曲线。 7、模型监控KS,列举评分区间序号的分布情况以及KS表现。指出存在问题和建议。 8、模型监控细分,分析不同机构的KS和PSI,指出存在问题和建议。 9、预警明细表,分析各机构预警客户、关注客户、预催收客户、降额客户、冻结客户的情况,指出存在问题和建议。 10、合同预警,分析不同合同期数,各类型客户的差异性。指出存在问题和建议。 11、预警合同,分析不同合同期数的,放款月份分析冻结、降额的相关性。
1、法人机构合同明细表,以法人机构为维度分析合同数、结清合同数、再贷合同数、放款金额、已还本金、在贷余额,分析各机构的贷款运营情况。列出数据明细表及图形表。 2、合同期数明细表,分析不同合同期数的贷款质量情况。 3、额度调整明细表,分析原授信额度和新建议额度的整体情况,指出存在问题和建议方案 4、规则预警明细表,以月份为维度,列举不同规则名称的命中情况,并列举十条长频繁命中的规则名称。并指出存在问题和建议方案。 5、模型监控明细表,分析模型PSI。以及指出存在问题和建议。 6、模型监控,描述曲线。 7、模型监控KS,列举评分区间序号的分布情况以及KS表现。指出存在问题和建议。 8、模型监控细分,分析不同机构的KS和PSI,指出存在问题和建议。 9、预警明细表,分析各机构预警客户、关注客户、预催收客户、降额客户、冻结客户的情况,指出存在问题和建议。 10、合同预警,分析不同合同期数,各类型客户的差异性。指出存在问题和建议。 11、预警合同,分析不同合同期数的,放款月份分析冻结、降额的相关性
  1. Corporate Institution Contract Details Table: Analyze the number of contracts, settled contracts, refinanced contracts, loan amounts, principal repaid, and outstanding balances based on corporate institutions. Analyze the loan operation status of each institution. Present the data in a detailed table and graphical format.
  1. Contract Term Details Table: Analyze the loan quality based on different contract terms.
  1. Credit Limit Adjustment Details Table: Analyze the overall situation of the original credit limit and proposed new credit limit. Identify existing issues and provide recommendations.
  1. Rule Alert Details Table: Analyze the hit status of different rule names based on months. List the top ten frequently hit rule names. Identify existing issues and provide recommendations.
  1. Model Monitoring Details Table: Analyze the model PSI (Population Stability Index). Identify existing issues and provide recommendations.
  1. Model Monitoring: Describe the curve.
  1. Model Monitoring KS (Kolmogorov-Smirnov): List the distribution of score interval numbers and their KS performance. Identify existing issues and provide recommendations.
  1. Model Monitoring Segmentation: Analyze the KS and PSI for different institutions. Identify existing issues and provide recommendations.
  1. Alert Details Table: Analyze the status of alerted customers, monitored customers, pre-collection customers, credit-reduced customers, and frozen customers for each institution. Identify existing issues and provide recommendations.
  1. Contract Alert: Analyze the differences in various customer types based on different contract terms. Identify existing issues and provide recommendations.
  1. Alerted Contracts: Analyze the correlation between freezing and credit reduction based on different contract terms and disbursement months.
Sure, I can provide an overview of my functions and how to use them. I'll use the "show_me_diagrams" namespace as an example.
  1. get__MermaidRoute: This function is used to render a diagram based on the provided parameters. For example, if you want to create a sequence diagram using Mermaid language, you would use this function. Here's an example of how to use it:
    1. This will generate a sequence diagram where Alice sends a message to Bob, and Bob responds to Alice.
  1. get_DiagramGuidelinesRoute: This function provides guidelines and themes for creating more effective diagrams. For example, if you want to get guidelines for creating a graph using Mermaid language, you would use this function. Here's an example of how to use it:
    1. This will provide you with guidelines and themes for creating a graph using Mermaid language.
  1. get_ShowCarouselRoute: This function shows a carousel of diagram images. It doesn't require any parameters. Here's an example of how to use it:
    1. This will show a carousel of diagram images.
Remember, these functions are part of the "show_me_diagrams" namespace, so they should be used within that context. Also, the actual execution of these functions is not done in this chat interface, but in the backend where the plugin is integrated.
Coder,FA,Prompt_Engineer 👨‍💻
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-- Apology Note---
I rebuild my blog, so the visitors info are missing